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Baye Keita rebounds |
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Murphy greets EM team, April 2011 |
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Baye Keita rebounds |
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Murphy greets EM team, April 2011 |
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Hinchey with disbarred lawyer |
We recently alluded to Peter Schweizer's new book, Throw Them All Out, in connection with congressional insider stock trading. Well, it turns out that's not the only way MC's profit from their specialized knowledge.It turns out the Sultan of Gerrymander has been handing out taxpayer money to himself - read the whole thing. Will Maurice follow Barney Frank onto the rolls of the "comfortably retired at taxpayer expense when they should be in prison?"
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Colonists throw CFLs overboard, 1773 |
Please don’t think this is easy for me. I’m one of those crazed Americans who can’t walk into Home Depot, Target or my local grocery store right now without wanting to grab one of those king-sized shopping carts and stuff it to the gunwales with 100-watt incandescent lightbulbs.
Maybe it’s the sheer thrill of buying bulbs that in just over a month, as of Jan. 1, 2012, will be banned for sale in America. What fun, in this incandescent twilight, to acquire legally what the federal government will soon treat as contraband, should it appear in any American marketplace. Or maybe it’s that gut sense that with the dollar teetering toward an abyss of unfathomable and inflationary government spending, those beloved old 100 watt bulbs will at least provide a decent store of value, even if all I do is use them to read by for the rest of my life — meticulously taking care never to violate federal law by offering even a single bulb for sale to some fellow citizen willing to pay for it.
Or, just possibly, this urge to stockpile incandescents is the product of simmering outrage. For decades, I have written about America as the world’s beacon of freedom, which it has been. Yet here we are, wards of the nanny state, with politicians dictating that even that prime symbol of American ingenuity, Thomas Edison’s incandescent light bulb, shall be regulated into oblivion. All this has been ably exposed as an act of crony capitalism, designed to enrich manufacturers who prefer to sell pricier light bulbs that a lot of Americans, if free to choose, prefer not to buy.Bold added. The insane light bulb ban was signed into law by George W. Bush. Read Claudia's entire piece.
My take on it is simple: If she is on the ballot in the West Virginia primary in May, I shall vote for her. She is my first choice.
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Fired exec Laura Soave with slow selling Fiat 500 |
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Colonial Manor under construction |
Chemung County Executive Tom Santulli said the project should ease a housing shortage in Chemung County.
“This will help fill the gap which I think will continue to grow,” Santulli said. “In the next 12 months (Chemung County) will gain an additional 1,000 jobs. Maybe 2,000 jobs will be created.”
"Having the gas drilling...."
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Serfs |
You might think my proposition–that the only away to make sense of this rogue regime’s actions is to assume the worst about their intentions–is a bit much. If so, you should ask yourself: if he was actually trying to destroy America’s energy industry, what exactly would he be doing differently?
Again, I ask, why doesn’t President Obama want Americans to have jobs?
When you think of the enemy within, think of Barak Hussein Obama, because, for whatever reason, the man is set on destroying our American Republic.
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Chu breaking ground at Solyndra |
The London-based CRM company's restructuring follows a poor fiscal 2011. Alterian's revenue decreased from $53.3 million in the 2010 fiscal year, which ended March 31 of that year, to $52 million in the 2011 fiscal year.
As part of the restructuring plan, Alterian will make “substantial cuts to its operational cost base and initiated reviews of revenue recognition, and goodwill and other intangible assets,” the company said in an Oct. 27 investor statement. The company identified $14.3 million in operating cost cuts.
Part of the cost-savings plan includes reducing the staff from 450 employees worldwide to approximately 260, the company said in the statement. The company would not confirm whether the Chicago office closing is part of this strategy.
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Suspect Oscar Ramiro Ortega |
Federal law enforcement authorities on Tuesday intensified the manhunt for a 21-year-0ld Idaho man who is suspected of shooting with a semi-automatic rifle at the White House last Friday night, as the Secret Service reported finding that at least one bullet had indeed struck the presidential residence...
Late on Friday, the police searched the Occupy DC protest camp, on McPherson Square just blocks from the White House, after reports that Mr. Ortega might have spent time there. Protesters there said on Monday that the police had been through their encampment several times since then, showing his picture around.
The Secret Service is looking into whether a bullet fired into a window at the White House is connected to a shooting nearby last Friday.
The bullet was stopped by a bullet-proof window and did not enter the White House, the Secret Service said Wednesday. Authorities also found another round in the exterior of the White House. The bullets were found Tuesday, the Secret Service said.
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Planned city, now abandoned, former USSR |
Central planning is not what New York needs; we need less government planning and a reduction in the role of government.
New York starts in the race for jobs with two strikes against it: one of the highest total tax burdens in the nation and excessive regulation coupled with bureaucratic administration. These are the problems that need to be addressed.
The composition of these councils also demonstrates a failure to understand how to achieve economic development as a majority of their members are drawn from academia and government.
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Opening of the Erie Canal, 1825 |
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Jonathan Hunt - 1760-1835 |
The Owego Gazette of Sept. 29, 1932, says Hunt’s Revolutionary service included the years 1775 to 1778. He saw duty at Bunker Hill, the British at White Plains, Saratoga, Valley Forge, Monmouth and the Westchester militia.Read Wendy Post's reports on activities honoring Jonathan Hunt at the Daily Review, September 26 and October 5, 2010.
Staying in the barn today |
Public transportation is arguably one of sustainability's greatest allies. Whether in the form of bus, train, or subway, an effective public transit system reduces fossil fuel dependency, hazardous air pollution, traffic, and parking needs. Cornell University has partnered with the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County to equally support a reliable and extensive public transit system - the Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit (TCAT).
Through the university's Transportation Demand Management Program, faculty and staff are offered fully or partially subsidized bus passes. 25% of faculty and staff use public transit as their primary means of commuting to and from Cornell.
Serious service delays
Several TCAT bus operators have called in sick this morning and are unavailable to work prompting a suspension in morning rural service and potential delays of all service throughout the day.
As of 6:30 a.m., no service on Routes 20, 21, 36, 37, 40, 43, 52, 53, 54 and 67.
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David Axelrod's Chicago neighbor Sharon Bialek |
She was asked: 'One of the things is that you lived at a 505 North Lake Shore Drive apartment, right? This is the same building, it happens to be the same building David Axelrod lives in. Do you know David Axelrod? Ever have any interaction with him at all?'
The 50-year-old replied: 'I saw him in the gym. I mean -- everybody nods to each other. It is friendly building but I never had any interaction with him.'
This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago, who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis.
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Barry Obama's Chicago neighbor William Ayers |
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First electric pole goes up in Dunkirk, NY, 1875 |
The electrical outages, the legacy of a storm that hammered the Northeast on Oct. 29 and 30, were largely an unpleasant memory by Sunday night for most of the 3 million who lost power at the height of the storm. But in Connecticut, about 50,000 residents remained without electricity by Monday morning, nine days after the storm. In New Jersey and Massachusetts, only a few hundred customers remained without power.
Deer guard? |
Bulletproof |
Until your neighbors understand that Karen Alters' two $55,000 "bonuses" and Chris Gronet's $450,000 "severance package" were stolen from American families, this crime wave will continue indefinitely.
- Karen Alter, senior vice president of marketing, received two $55,000 bonuses on April 15 and July 8 of this year, on top of her $250,000 annual salary.
- Ben Bierman, executive vice president of operations and engineering, received $120,000 in bonuses this year on top of his $276,000 salary.
- Paula Camporaso, vice president of information technology — $80,000 in bonuses on top of her $107,000 salary.
- Dave Sanat, vice president of supply chain — $80,000 in bonuses on top of his $111,000 salary.
- Bill Stover, the company’s CFO who took the fifth before Congress at a September hearing, was awarded at least $120,000 in bonuses on top of his $367,000 salary.
The document also reveals that Chris Gronet, one of Solyndra’s founders, was “transitioned to the role of adviser and consultant” from his position as CEO on July 1, 2011, and negotiated a severance package worth more than $450,000.
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Joined at the hip? |
It's safe to say these two are joined at the hip, although the way the media is reporting the downfall of Jon Corzine's MF Global, you wouldn't even know Corzine's a Democrat, let alone one of Obama's top campaign honchos.
With news that federal regulators, including the FBI, are investigating whether the broker-dealer is missing customer money, the company's failure may have larger repercussions to the financial system.
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The force behind the energy industry |
We’re surrounded by so many stupid people who buy into the crap the left is spewing, but we’ll never see them turn off their power. Where the heck do they think it comes from?