Welcome to the Finger Lakes! Our theme song:

In a town this size, there's no place to hide
Everywhere you go, you meet someone you know...
In a smokey bar, in the backseat of your car
In your own little house, someone's sure to find you out
What you do and what you think
What you eat and what you drink...

(Kieran Kane)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New York schools to follow Detroit's?

Abandoned classroom, Detroit

Facing unsustainable costs, Detroit has abandoned dozens of public schools, and dozens more are on the way.  With no money left to secure the vacant real estate,  the schools are being destroyed by vandals and thieves.  

Blaming the criminal waste of taxpayer's money on teachers' unions, Dick Morris makes a terrifying but reasonable prediction for New York:
As states grapple with intractable budget problems, the attractiveness of alternative schools that cost, on average, about one-third less than public schools will be irresistible. The teachers unions will run afoul of Margaret Thatcher's dictum that socialism cannot succeed because, sooner or later, "you run out of other people's money."
Missing from this list of innovative states, conspicuously, is New York state, where the state government is totally beholden to the teachers union. No experimentation, no opening of the system seems in the offing, and the Empire State appears to be content to continue its downward spiral. If they don't turn things around, they are headed for the same place as Detroit.
Bold added.  More pics of Detroit's government schools here.

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