Welcome to the Finger Lakes! Our theme song:

In a town this size, there's no place to hide
Everywhere you go, you meet someone you know...
In a smokey bar, in the backseat of your car
In your own little house, someone's sure to find you out
What you do and what you think
What you eat and what you drink...

(Kieran Kane)

Friday, February 25, 2011

County drops out of suicide pact

James Simpson brings us interesting news from the Old Line State:
Carroll County, Maryland elected five new County Commissioners in November. These brave souls voted unanimously to get rid of all traces of the "Sustainability" agenda in the county. They abolished their "Sustainability" office and dropped out of ICLEI (the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), the first county to do so.
This may not sound like much but is in fact, huge. The ICLEI has been busy training local governments in implementing the UN's Agenda 21. If you recall, this was the key product of the 1992 Rio de Janeiro "Earth Summit," where Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development, set the tone with the following memorable quotes:

"It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and workplace air conditioning, and suburban housing, are not sustainable.

"Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring about?"
(bold added)

"Good for Carroll County", you may say, "but why post this in a Finger Lakes blog?"  Well, take a look at this list of ICLEI member governments, and see if your local taxing entity is on the list!

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